Friday, April 10, 2009

Leslie Hall and the Gem Squad! (that's us!)

So we did it! On Saturday April 4th, 2009 we drove up to Hollywood and saw Leslie Hall and the LY's at the El Rey Theater. On the way up Layne was busily sewing on the remaining red sequence to her fabulous gem sweater. We were planning on eating with Layne's sister and friends but our time was running short so we grabbed some Fat Burger, which seemed fitting for the occasion. While we ate Laye worked through the pain and finished her sweater. What a dedicated fan..... 

After dinner we headed over to the El Rey. Leslie was the opening artist so we did not have to wait long to see her! What happened next was amazing. After all of that had work and working through the pain, Layne and I were pulled up on stage to dance with Leslie as her backup dancers, the Gem Squad to be precise! You read that right, backup dancers. Oooooh Yeah! I have been searching the internet of pictures to verify this for you but have not found any yet. You'll just have to trust us on this one. It was too fun.  All that work on the gem sweaters payed off when we climbed on that stage and danced with Leslie and her girls. So, it was a fabulous time and worth every aching back, shining sequence and expensive valet parking penny! We had so much fun and will treasure our gem sweaters for  many moons to come! Oooooohhhh yeah.......

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sparrow Tea Towels

I recently made these towels for my dear friend Madelyn's birthday. I had not done too much embroidery before but I found it to be a very enjoyable and easy project to do.  I used a light table to transfer my drawings onto the fabric.  I found that a water soluble fabric pen works well to draw with.  For the wording i picked a font on the computer that I liked and then printed the words out on paper in the size that I needed.  I used the light table to transfer the words onto the fabric as well.   Once all the images were on the fabric I used various embroidery floss colors to go over the pictures.   


I used the stem stitch to embroider almost everything! I did use the chain stitch on the rain drops and the eggs. For the words I used the satin or damask stitch.  Since I did nine towels, i decided to do three towels with orange, three with blue and three with yellow words. I also divided the themes into three groupings.  Three were weather themed, three were seasons of the family, three were simply various sized birds together.   It was a great experience and enjoyed every minute of it! Hope you all enjoy.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Audrey's Colombian Drink Coasters!

My daughter Audrey has been watching me get crafty, so to speak, for most of her little life and over the last few months she has begun to show an interest in getting crafty herself! So, to Tall Mouse we went to find something for her that she could make and learn with.  We purchased some yarn and such so that she could make some coasters! 
My mom and I found some large needles and began to teach  her how to sew a simple little pattern.  I was a bit worried that it would be too challenging and tedious for her but, boy was I wrong! She loved every minute of it, well except for the times that she pulled her yarn out of the needle. Audrey has little patience for herself, something that she picked up from yours truly.  I was amazed and excited that she was doing so well and enjoying herself.  She was so proud to be like mommy, maum (grandma), g-ma, katey, and layne. So far she has completed one coaster using the colors of the Colombian flag, which she chose herself. So if you are in need of an easy crafty idea for the kiddos, or yourself for that mater, these drink coasters are the ticket and would add a little zip and zest to any living room, table or drink that sits upon them! 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Current Project: Gem Sweaters

Annie and I are working on our gem sweaters for the hilarious Leslie Hall concert this Saturday. Tickets were a bit expensive but I'm sure we will be enjoying the hell out of ourselves. We'll post some pictures to keep you updated on the progress.